Woodworking Interview With Madison Swords
/I love talking to other woodworkers and hearing how their journey in the craft started. I recently met Madison Swords, and I just loved his story of how he got started in woodworking, so I had to share it with you.
Madison is a self-taught woodworker and he learned everything from YouTube. I was not only impressed with that, but the fact that he choose to go the hand tool route, and his for his first furniture project, he choose to tackle a Greene & Greene side table. I was absolutely blown away!
Madison Swords built a Greene & Greene side table as his first furniture build, all with hand tools, some of which he made himself.
In talking to Madison, it is clear he really gets it. He snaps up the knowledge and puts it to work straight-away in his own shop. He exhibits a wisdom and perspective beyond his years.
I think his journey into woodworking is impressive, entertaining, and inspirational. And so I bring to you an interview with Madison Swords.
I hope you enjoy!
Your friend in the shop-
Todd A. Clippinger
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