New Site Is Up And Running!
/Welcome To The New ACW Site
I am officially set up now on the new Squarespace 6 website platform. I have been playing around with the various templates over the last couple of days, and I am starting to get the hang of it. You will continue to see changes as I try the different templates and add galleries.
Squarespace 6 has a lot of new features and better functionality over version 5. I can see these helping me to connect with my woodworking audience, and to better share my experience and knowledge.
The Bad News Is...
Sadly, my workshop gallery is down for the moment. The new template was incompatible with previous gallery, so I will have to completely repost the shop tour. I know by the website stats, the workshop tour is the most popular feature and the pictures are downloaded constantly. And that is OK, that is exactly what it is intended for, to share and inspire, that is what the ACW philosophy of "Share the Love-Share the Knowledge" is all about.
Due to the time consuming work of loading galleries, I will hold off until I determine which template I am going to settle on. Some features are specific to templates and that mostly applies to the way galleries are laid out and function. So I will need to make my final decision between the last 2 template finalists.
Woodworking in the ACW and streaming live video action!
Stay Tuned-
Stay tuned as you will see the changes taking place and more content being added.
I will continue tweaking the site, add the ACW Shop Tour back in, and get my portfolio gallery set up. I did not add my portfolio on the last site, but I will on this one. (It is partly due to just being plain time consuming and it is one area that I actually slacked on.)
So give the site a test drive on all your devices and let me know of any issues. I did let the developers know of a couple and I appreciate your feedback.
Well, I better get back out to the shop. So be sure to stop by the Shopcam page and see what I have going in my small pro shop.
Your friend in the shop,
Todd A. Clippinger
Share the Love-Share the Knowledge