American Craftsman Shop Class Update

There has been so much work to do in setting things up for the online school but I am getting closer.

I have a basic setup in place for my website and school platform, so I have moved on to the next step. Right now I am working on getting used to the workflow of recording and becoming familiar with my new audio and video equipment to reduce errors and become more efficient.

Perfect case in point; I did some recording on a clock case project and found that I had not been turning one of the cameras on. That is simply an issue of being unfamiliar with the equipment. That is why the shop update videos are so important, they are good practice for me being in front of the camera as well as working the back side.

I had originally hoped to be starting class sign-ups at the beginning of February, but I think it will be more into the 2nd or 3rd week. This ship needs to leave the dock soon, I haven't had any income since the middle of December and that is a great motivator!

I appreciate your patience and support and hope to see you soon in the American Craftsman Shop Class.

Your friend in the shop -

Todd A. Clippinger

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